Thursday, May 20, 2010


# 7. The pigs walk on their hind legs. They commune with the humans. The sheep have a new saying: "4 legs good, 2 legs Better!"

This is like the fall of Communist Russia.

# 6

# 6. Boxer is rendered incapable to work. He is sent to the glue factory in exchange for some alcohol. Squealer covers up his death.

Boxer is an allegory for the hard workers of Russia who get sent out on trains to northern Russia and are left to die.

# 5.

#5. The battle of the Windmill. In this battle the humans are driven off but manage to destroy the windmill.

The Battle of the Windmill is like World War 2, because Animal Farm (Russia) loses some land, but still stays alive.


#4. Snowball is chased out by Napoleon and his dogs.

This is a pivotal moment in this book because it means that Napolean and Squealer lose all strong oppositan toward them. This allows them to remain in control throughout the rest of the book, as their only intelligent oppositian is Benjamin, who thinks things will always reamin the same forever.

# 3

# 3. Snowball plans the windmill. Napoleon argues.

The windmill represents the hopes and projects of the people in Russia after the Communist shift.

# 2

#2. The cows are beign whipped by Mr. Jones, so they rebel and attack. This prompts the other animals to attack in addition, and the farmers are driven out of Manor Farm. Shortly before the rebellion, Old Major dies. Then, the animals create the 7 Commandments of Animalism.

This is an example of how powerful language is. Old Major's speech plants ideas in the animal's heads about rebellion, and soon the animals take over the farm.

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